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The S.H.I.F.T System: The Complete Guide

Standing for Set Clear Expectations, Harness the Tools, Inspire Engagement, Foster Well-Being, and Train the Brain.

This is not just a playbook; it's a revolution in remote work culture and productivity, perfectly scaled for the agility and flexibility of remote-first startups and SMBs. Built by someone who has been there, and done that.

Choose your own adventure, choose a select few exercises to solve immediate bottlenecks, or tackle the whole system at once - designed for any and all remote-first teams.

What People Are Saying

  • “The S.H.I.F.T System is an incredibly high-level yet actionable roadmap for creating remote work effectiveness in any organization. This is a surefire method for unlocking the potential of your workforce no matter where they are.”

    Matt McFarlane

  • "I was blown away by how Darcy covers all the bases in a comprhensive, prescriptive, menu style system. You can either tackle all five components of S.H.I.F.T or select one of the systems that aligns with your businesses biggest remote engagement challenges. If this existed when I was inhouse the $200.00 would have been a steal and well worth the cost. She lays it all out!"

    Mike Dwyer

  • “Defining, building and optimizing company culture is a massive challenge in any organization, but when you add the complexity of remote work, it can feel impossible. S.H.I.F.T to the rescue! This system is an easy to follow guide that equipts teams to align ways of working, strengthen connection and build trust in any work environment.”

    Laurel Farrer

  • "This is an exceptional resource that's a must-have for remote teams. The 'Train the Brain' section is incredibly insightful, providing practical strategies for enhancing team productivity and engagement. Her guide is filled with thoughtful examples and a clear, engaging layout, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to elevate their remote work culture"

    Catalina Colman

  • "Remote work and culture can be such complicated topics, but this workbook drills it all down into simple, actionable tools, that will really make an impact! I can't wait to bring some of these tools into collaborative workshops and planning sessions with my leadership teams."

    Elles Skony

  • Darcy's knowledge and expertise within the remote work community is unparalleled. Her SHIFT system is exactly what digital agencies need to jumpstart and define their remote-work culture. It encourages more engagement and efficiency from your online workers and even helps with employee retention which can be difficult to navigate when you don't have an office location. I highly recommend integrating the system into your remote work structure.

    Elan Weinstein

  • "The S.H.I.FT System strategies made my job 20% easier"

    Matt Grattan

Make the Smart Choice

What’s Included:

  • 15+ Dynamic Team Exercises: Engage in hands-on activities that turn theory into practice, fostering real change and high engagement.

  • Customizable Remote Work Policy Template: Set the foundation for clear, effective operations with a template adaptable to your specific needs.

  • Insights from the Front Lines: Benefit from real-world case studies offering valuable lessons and actionable insights.

  • Engaging Self-Assessments & Audits: Tools and assessments that are as insightful as they are engaging, designed for deep understanding and practical application.

  • Crystal-Clear Action Plans: Follow the detailed, step-by-step guides that remove ambiguity and accelerate your progress.

  • Plug-and-Play Resources: Jumpstart team cohesion with ready-to-use tools like readme templates and a comprehensive list of engagement activities.

  • A Supported, Autonomous Path: While the journey is self-guided, the playbook ensures you have the knowledge you need for a successful transformation

Invest in The S.H.I.F.T System playbook and see your team transform into a culture-rich, productive powerhouse. Embrace this change and lead the charge in remote work excellence, all within a budget that makes sense for your business size.

  • Eliminate Costly Guesswork: Say goodbye to the expensive trial-and-error approach that can drain limited resources. The S.H.I.F.T System offers proven, budget-friendly strategies that save time and money.

  • Maximize Resources, Minimize Waste: Dive into a playbook designed for impactful results without the complexity. Over 15 exercises and templates are tailored to the needs and constraints of startups and SMBs, ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

  • Immediate Impact and Long-Term Value: Implement strategies that bring immediate improvements in team dynamics and productivity, crucial for the rapid growth and adaptability of your culture.

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Why The S.H.I.F.T System Playbook Is a Game-Changer


Are you a work futurist who believes that remote work is a vessel to building a better world? Are you looking to learn more about how to design an effective and engaged work experience that supports both well-being AND profitability? Sign up to receive weekly insights into how to work better, be better and live better.